Please scroll down to English Recipe
Para celebrar o feriado nacional, trago-vos uma receita bem ao gosto da Primavera!
O sol finalmente decidiu aparecer nos últimos dias e o calor que se tem feito sentir já quase que faz lembrar o Verão. E nós Portugueses, somos um povo que precisa de sol e calor, e depois de longos meses a chover intensamente, este calor não poderia saber melhor!
E o que é que sabe bem nestes dias quentes? Ora bem, fruta da época bem fresca! Os morangos já começam a ser destaque por tudo o que é mercados e bancas de fruta, e pelo que tenho visto e comprado, estão bem suculentos e bem docinhos! Os morangos combinam com tudo.. desde papas de aveia ao pequeno almoço, a saladas frias bem frescas, bolos e doces de deixar água na boca, ou simplesmente ao natural. O que vos trago hoje, é uma receita de crepes sem glúten preparados com farinha de coco para um pequeno almoço bem tranquilo e saudável!
Esta semana, juntei-me a várias bloggers de fotografia de comida numa colaboração que consiste em partilhar receitas da época, e o protagonista escolhido para a Primavera foi naturalmente o morango!
Caso queiram espreitar as receitas de outras colaboradoras deste passatempo #strawberriesarethejam, aqui está uma lista de algumas das receitas:
Cook Til Delicious • Mini Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Ganache
Tiny Kitchen Caper • Strawberries and Cream Pound Cake
Crumb Top Baking • Strawberry Chia Jam Oat Bars
Worthy Pause • Strawberry-Basil Shrub Cocktail
Sift and Simmer • Rose Strawberry Hibiscus Mille Crepe Cake
The Herb and Spoon • Strawberry-Jam Filled Brioche Donuts
Smart in the Kitchen • Rustic Strawberry Galette
Rezel Kealoha • Apple Cider Rose Poached Strawberries with Thyme Flowers Marianne Cooks • Strawberry Madeleines
Well Seasoned Studio • Classic Vanilla Layer Cake with Mascarpone Buttercream and Fresh Strawberries
Made from Scratch • Roasted Strawberry and Basil Ice Cream Katherine in Brooklyn • Roasted Strawberry Balsamic Ice Cream
The Wood and Spoon • Strawberry Icebox Pie My Kitchen Love • Strawberry Rhubarb Tart
Clean Plate Club • Mini Strawberry Bundt Cakes with Lemon Glaze
My Berkeley Kitchen • Strawberry Kale Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette
The Cinnaman • Rose Hibiscus Strawberry Icebox Pie
Prickly Fresh • Strawberry Burrata Kale Salad with Pistachio & Lemon Vinaigrette
Maren Ellingboe Angel Food Cake with Whipped Cream & Strawberries
Aproveitem bem o feriado e não deixem de experimentar esta receita! Pode ser uma óptima opção para o lanche da tarde!
Não se esqueça de nos seguir no Instagram e de identificar as nossas receitas com #thehealthysins
- 2 colheres de sopa de farinha de coco
- 1 colher de sopa de farinha de tapioca
- 4 ovos médios*
- 1/4 colher de chá de sal
- 1/2 chávena de água
- 1 colher de sopa de óleo de coco
*usamos ovos caseiros, o que confere um tom amarelado aos crepes. Se usarem ovos normais, os vossos crepes poderão ter outra tonalidade!
Numa taça média, misture a farinha de coco, a farinha de tapioca e o sal. Numa taça grande misture os ovos, a água e óleo de coco derretido.
Adicione lentamente a farinha à mistura líquida enquanto vai mexendo. Mexa vigorosamente até ficar bem misturado e não restem grumos na massa. Deixe a massa descansar por pelo menos 10 minutos para permitir que a farinha de coco absorva o líquido (isto permitirá que a massa fique mais espessa).
Pincele uma frigideira anti-aderente com óleo de coco e aqueça em lume médio-baixo. Uma vez aquecida, adicione uma concha de massa e espalhe a massa pela frigideira uniformemente para obter uma camada fina. Cozinhe por alguns minutos até que bolhas comecem a aparecer e a massa fique dourada.
Vire o crepe e cozinhe por mais alguns minutos. Repita com a massa restante. Pincele a frigideira com óleo de coco, se necessário.
Sirva os crepes com os seus recheios favoritos! Nós usamos iogurte de coco da Alpro, morangos frescos, e ainda mel e granola caseira.
English Recipe
Today is a national holiday in Portugal and to celebrate that, I bring you a recipe perfect for these Spring days!
The sun finally decided to appear in the last days and the hot weather that has been felt reminds us of summer days. Portuguese people need sun and hot weather, and after long months raining intensely, this hot days feels so good!
And what better way to enjoy these hot days? Well, fresh fruit of the season! The strawberries are already beginning to be highlighted in markets and fruit stands, and from what I have seen and eat, they are very succulent and sweet! Strawberries combine with everything: from porridge at breakfast to fresh cold salads, mouth-watering cakes and pastries, or just simply natural. What I bring to you today is a recipe for gluten-free crepes made with coconut flour for a relaxed and healthy breakfast!
This week, I joined several food photography bloggers in a collaboration that basicaly consists in sharing season recipes, and the ingredient chosen for Spring was naturally the strawberry!
If you would like to take a look at the recipes of the other collaborators for #strawberriesarethejam, here is a list of a few of them:
Cook Til Delicious • Mini Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Ganache
Tiny Kitchen Caper • Strawberries and Cream Pound Cake
Crumb Top Baking • Strawberry Chia Jam Oat Bars
Worthy Pause • Strawberry-Basil Shrub Cocktail
Sift and Simmer • Rose Strawberry Hibiscus Mille Crepe Cake
The Herb and Spoon • Strawberry-Jam Filled Brioche Donuts
Smart in the Kitchen • Rustic Strawberry Galette
Rezel Kealoha • Apple Cider Rose Poached Strawberries with Thyme Flowers Marianne Cooks • Strawberry Madeleines
Well Seasoned Studio • Classic Vanilla Layer Cake with Mascarpone Buttercream and Fresh Strawberries
Made from Scratch • Roasted Strawberry and Basil Ice Cream Katherine in Brooklyn • Roasted Strawberry Balsamic Ice Cream
The Wood and Spoon • Strawberry Icebox Pie My Kitchen Love • Strawberry Rhubarb Tart
Clean Plate Club • Mini Strawberry Bundt Cakes with Lemon Glaze
My Berkeley Kitchen • Strawberry Kale Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette
The Cinnaman • Rose Hibiscus Strawberry Icebox Pie
Prickly Fresh • Strawberry Burrata Kale Salad with Pistachio & Lemon Vinaigrette
Maren Ellingboe • Angel Food Cake with Whipped Cream & Strawberries
If your'e in Portugal, enjoy the holiday and don't forget to try this recipe! It could be an excellent choice for an afternoon lunch!
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and tag photos of my recipes #thehealthysins
- 2 tbsp of coconut flour
- 1 tbsp of tapioca starch
- 4 medium eggs*
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup of water
- 1 tbsp of melted coconut oil
*we used fresh eggs, that's why our crepes looks more yellow. If you use normal eggs, you might have crepes with another shade.
In a medium bowl, whisk together coconut flour, tapioca starch and salt. In a large bowl combine eggs, water and melted coconut oil.
Slowly add the flour to the wet mixture while whisking. Whisk vigorously until well mixed and no lumps remain. Lett the batter rest for at least 10 minutes to allow the coconut flour to absorb the liquid (it will allow the mixture to get more thicker).
Brush a pan with coconut oil and heat on medium-low. Once heated, add a kitchen ladle and swirl the pan to spread it out evenly and get a thin layer. Cook for a few minutes until bubbles start to appear and the batter gets browned.
Flip the crepe and cook for a few more minutes. Repeat with the remaining batter. Brush the pan with coconut oil if needed.
Serve crepes with your favourite fillings! We used coconut yogurt, fresh strawberries, drizzle with honey and spread granola.